- ING - The first pins were made in the 12th century for the pilgrims in Rome. In the late 18th and early 19th century they were used as political propaganda, both in England and USA. The U.S. army start using them in the 19th century, but with printed fabric on the pin. And with the invention of new materials they mounted a transparent film and a photo over the plate and finally, some years later the safety pin on the back was incorporated to hold the pin so it became easier to wear it on more visible places. Kellogg's start using them as advertising in the 40's. And in the 60's John Lennon became fashionable among the students, they had much to say about peace, love, psychedelic, nuclear disarmament, and the pins became a perfect medium. In the 70's there were a symbol of counterculture mainly because Sex Pistols used them and they preached the new "anti-fashion punk". After that the pins have continued being manufactured in mass or individually. Today there is no band that doesn't have pins or ButtonBadges in there merchandising.
- ESP - Las primeras se fabricaron para los peregrinos en Roma, en el siglo XII. A finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX ya se usaban como propaganda politica, tanto en Inglaterra como en U.S.A. Para el siglo XIX el ejercito de los Estados Unidos los usaba, pero con una tela impresa sobre la chapa. Con la invención de nuevos materiales se incorporo un film transparente sobre una fotografía montada en la chapa y finalmente, unos años mas tarde se incorporo el alfiler para poder sujetarlo en lugares visibles. En los 40's Kellogg's las usó como publicidad. En los 60's John Lennon las puso de moda entre los estudiantes, había mucho que decir -paz, amor, psicodélica, desarme nuclear- y estas eran un medio perfecto. En los 70's fueron simbolo de contracultura, los Sex Pistols predicaban la nueva "Anti-moda Punk" y ellos las usaban. De allí en adelante no han parado de fabricarse en masa o de manera individual. Hoy en día no existe ninguna banda que dentro de su merchandisign no tenga sus propios diseños de chapas ó Button Badges.
All pictures taken by Fernando Crow.
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